04 July, 2009

"I don't hate gays, I just don't think kids should know they exist"

...is the general theme of this ridiculous piece of fearmongering journalism, which I shall proceed to gently critique. And by gently critique, I mean 'expose as the hateful ramblings of a paranoid homophobe'

The first piece of telling evidence is contained within the first few paragraphs:

Of course, attitudes towards gay rights have changed a lot in the past 21 years. But it is still wrong for councils to spend their residents' money promoting homosexuality.

Ridiculous. Councils are not promoting homosexuality. The long overdue apology over Section 28 is nothing to do with 'promotion' of any sexual persuasion. Section 28 forbade councils to distribute any material which portrayed homosexuality as anything but abnormal. To overturn this rule, and then (rightly) apologise for it ever having been put in place (thanks, Tories) is NOT promoting homosexuality - it is recognising the right of gay couples to regard their lifestyle as normal, and for others to accept homosexuality for what it is - a sexual and romantic preference for the same sex present in a person from the day they were born.

There's the key; a person is born gay. They do not choose homosexuality like they choose to, say, dye their hair or wear skinny jeans. Homosexuality is not a trend or fad - it's a genuine, honest affection for the same sex.

Of course, the coincidentally named Harry Phibbs seems to think that telling our kids about gays will turn them all into the pink-wearing, limp-wristed flouncy poofters Conservatives still believe make up the vast majority of the gay population:

Another book called The Milkman's on his Way explicitly described homosexual intercourse and, indeed, glorified it, encouraging youngsters to believe that it was better than any other sexual way of life....From my experience of those children, it is difficult enough for them to understand normal sexual relations without having homosexuality foisted upon them.
'I find it horrifying that anyone would support that.
'All of that was stopped dead by Clause 28. Clause 28 was introduced for that purpose, and that purpose alone.
'It was not intended to harm people who, as adults, decided that that was the way of life for them.

Quotes from Baroness Knight, and may I humbly suggest she takes the stick out of her arse and begins to realise that learning about sex will not turn kids into little shagging demons with penises for teeth and STDs coming out of their ears. And Phibbs uses this as an apology for Section 28. He suggests that it was little to do with homophobia and more to do with a 'Won't Anyone Please Think Of The Children' type mentality.

But why shouldn't children learn about homosexuality? Why shouldn't they be given the opportunity to learn about some of the things that make human beings different? There are a lot of excellent reasons why kids should know about 'Daddies and Daddies' as well as the traditional family unit.

Firstly, as the Mail constantly bemoans, the traditional 'Mummy, Daddy and Baby' family is no longer the only valid option for parents these days. An increase in single parent families, adopted families and step families cannot be halted by closing your eyes and singing 'la la la' until they go away. Our kids will have better self esteem and become more well-rounded, less prejudiced people if they realise that growing up with two daddies, a mummy and a mummy or even just one mummy doesn't make you any less of a human being than the other kids whose parents married, stayed together and remain together. Children who hit puberty and discover their own homosexual tendencies won't feel trapped by their sexuality, won't feel forced into a false heterosexuality in order to feel 'normal' - all of this is progress, and all of this is good.

Unfortunately for the Fail, it also stands against the rigid, traditional values they hold so dear. But, as a final thought, what would the Fail say if a law were passed forbidding local councils to create or distribute materials portraying Christianity as 'anything but abnormal'? What would they say if Baroness Knight suggested that children were too young to be exposed to the adult world of religion? (After all, while one is born gay or straight, a child is taught religion - no child is born a Christian) Is it not, to paraphrase the Baroness, hard enough for children to understand the world around them without having religion foisted upon them....?


  1. The comments are... predictable.

    "I don't have a problem with Gay people,I know some really nice people, who are gay, but their nice because their nice, not because their gay. I do have a problem with the confusing element when it comes to small children, imagine their little minds trying to work this one out!", cries Adele Daly of Yorkshire, whose own little mind has clearly yet to work out spelling.

    My mum explained homosexuality to me when I was about four or five (I don't even remember it) as one of her friends was gay. It didn't confuse me at all - apparently I giggled hysterically for five minutes, but then accepted it for life. Kids are actually much more liable to take these things in without prejudice than adults. Though I suppose "without prejudice" is the Mail's main problem with it...

  2. Peter Hitchens commented on Cameron's apology for Section 28 in his blog on Sunday - he bemoaned the fact that this apparently means that homosexuality os the ONLY valid lifestyle choice now - hmmerwhat?! Fucking bigoted moron.

  3. I've been covering a number of Daily Mail articles attacking homosexuality recently: http://www.angrymob.uponnothing.co.uk/home/78-war-against-gays/408-more-articles-and-more-intolerance-from-the-daily-mail

  4. I've been reading the Angry Mob blog, and was more than a little inspired by your own rants on the subject (although admittedly they are rather more eloquent than mine)

  5. Outside of home, when I was very young, homosexuality was very ridiculed. I was made to feel disgusting about my bisexuality. I was ashamed as a child for being attracted to other girls, as well as boys (although boys not so much as a child, since they were all my friends and the girls were the mean, mysterious ones). I knew what homosexuality was when I was small, and I understood it. It didn't seem so horrible to me, but everyone else said it was. Then when I was about twelve, I came to terms with my bisexuality. It's as normal in women as heterosexuality. I am happy to be bisexual, and I am very angry with those who made me feel wrong about it as a child.

    If children can comprehend heterosexuality at a young age, they can do the same with homosexuality. There's no difference at all, to me. It's just a person. Winged cupid is painted blind, etc.


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